Taos Community Foundation

Youth Heartline Updated Logo 2024

Youth Heartline

"Youth Heartline improves positive long-term outcomes and access to services by reducing risk factors and barriers for underserved children and families in Colfax, Taos, and Union Counties in northeast New Mexico."

Youth Heartline is a 501(c)3 organization and originated in 1991 as the first and only Court Appointed Special Advocates program for the Eighth Judicial District. Since that time, the organization has grown to more comprehensively serve the needs of underserved families and children through the following eight programs:

  • Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) is our flagship program that recruits, trains, and supervises volunteer advocates for foster children during the vulnerable period when they are removed from their homes due to abuse and neglect. CASAs advocate with CYFD, attorneys, counselors for foster children and the family before making their own independent recommendations to the District Judge in the best interests of the children.
  • Safe Exchange & Supervised Visitation (SESV) provides a safe environment for parents and children to maintain and build healthier, stronger relationships during custodial disputes.
  • In-School Groups are evidence-based and offer youth skills and relationship-building support to protect against victimization, suicide, and delinquency. This program helps youth become healthier, happier, and more confident.
  • Summer of Play provides children and families in income-based apartment complexes access to engaging summer activities. We bring together six community partners to provide STEAM-based experiences.
  • Branches Outdoor Adventures engages children, who would otherwise not be able to participate, in outdoor adventure sports to build confidence, strengthen identities, and encourage positive risk-taking.
  • Trauma Training for Educators offers training on the impact of trauma on child development, ways to mitigate the impacts, and strategies for building resiliency among youth for staff and educators in local child-serving organizations, and schools.
  • Family Navigation provides case managers to Native families in Taos County, specifically the Taos Pueblo who co-supervises this program with Youth Heartline through their Health and Human Services Department, as well as to families in Colfax and Union Counties. Families are assisted with referrals, resources, and skills to increase stability.
  • Youth Transitional Housing supports youth experiencing homelessness by providing housing and building life skills to increase self-sufficiency and obtain permanent, stable housing.

Youth Heartline’s mission is to improve positive long-term outcomes and access to services by reducing risk factors and barriers for underserved children and families. Youth Heartline operates offices in Raton, NM and Taos, NM.

Stocks, IRAs, and Wire Transfers

If you would like information about ways to give, including gifts of stock, IRA contributions, wired funds or other gifts with immediate tax deductions, please contact TCF Operations Director Amy Duke at aduke@taoscf.org or call 575-737-9300.

Planned Gifts

If you are considering making a bequest to the Youth Heartline Endowment Fund of the Taos Community Foundation, we recommend the following:

In order to make a bequest, you should speak with your attorney. Your attorney can help you include a bequest to Taos Community Foundation in your estate plan, and we would be happy to work with you and your attorney to help you identify ways to give that will ensure your charitable objectives are met. We will also work with you and your attorney to craft language to accomplish your objectives, but have provided some basic bequest language to get you started.

Specific Dollar Amount/Personal Property

I hereby, give, devise and bequeath [$dollars / description of property] to Taos Community Foundation, a non-profit organization located at 115 La Posta Rd, Ste A, Taos, New Mexico, 87571, Federal Tax ID # 85-0425147, to support the Youth Heartline Endowment Fund.

Specific Real Estate

I hereby give, devise and bequeath all of the right, title and interest in and to the real estate located at [address or description of property] to Taos Property Foundation, Inc., a non-profit affiliate of the Taos Community Foundation located at 115 La Posta Rd, Ste A, Taos, New Mexico, 87571, Federal Tax ID # 27-0998249, for Youth Heartline Endowment Fund.

Percentage of an Estate

I hereby, give, devise and bequeath [percentage of your estate] to Taos Community Foundation, a non-profit organization located at 115 La Posta Rd, Ste A, Taos, New Mexico, 87571, Federal Tax ID # 85-0425147, for Youth Heartline Endowment Fund.

If you have questions, please contact Taos Community Foundation at: