Lisa O’Brien, Taos Community Foundation Director, has resigned

For immediate release:

For more information, contact:
TCF Staff

Taos Community Foundation announces that Lisa O’Brien, Taos Community Foundation Director, has resigned, effective February 28, 2023. For the last six years under Lisa’s leadership, Taos Community Foundation has thrived and been a critical asset to our region. Since 2016, grantmaking to worthy local organizations has tripled, and our assets under management by which to make those essential grants have more than doubled. We’ve hired staff, and increased our operating reserve significantly. The Foundation is in a solid financial position, has a loyal and dedicated staff, a committed Board of Directors, and our partnerships in community are strong.

A transition team from the Board of Directors is working closely with Lisa and we anticipate minimal disruption to the important work taking place at the Foundation, including ongoing grantmaking. Of course, we will also actively discuss and seek out a new Foundation Director.

We are extremely grateful for the dedication from Lisa and all she accomplished in her time at the Foundation. Her knowledge of the community, our neighbors and friends, our history and our goals is unparalleled. She will be missed.

Some words directly from Lisa:

I have learned a great deal and am proud of the work my team has accomplished! Taos Community Foundation has been in my estate plans for several years, and this is something that I now wish to share publicly. I believe in the structure of community foundations, and remain committed and confident that TCF will continue to be the anchor organization it is in Taos.

This was a hard decision for me, and it came with a great deal of contemplation. There is not one reason that prompted this, and it is important to me that this is clearly stated and known.

I woke up a few weeks ago to the announcement of the New Zealand Prime Minister sharing her decision to step down. That she “didn’t have any more in the tank” and she had the “responsibility to know when you are the right person to lead and also when you are not”. It was refreshing to me to hear her clarity; as it truly mirrored my own.

To quiet any worries, I am not leaving Taos. Patrick and I are deeply rooted here; his business is here; our friends and family are here. My next steps are not yet known. I will take some time before I start venturing out to see what is next.

Thank you for all you have shared with me. The trust and support over the years has been profound. Thank you for letting me bring my best self to this position.

We greatly appreciate the overwhelming support Taos Community Foundation has received and we are very grateful for the outstanding job Lisa has done in growing the Foundation and supporting our community. We wish her well in her future endeavors.

For more information, access or contact TCF Staff at


Taos Community Foundation
115 La Posta Rd. Suite A
Taos, NM 87571