Taos Community Foundation

TCF Giving Pathways Logo

Giving Pathways

Explore our areas of impact and how we are making a difference to create a more equitable & caring community

Arts and Culture

Growing Through Creativity

Taos is known for its artistic history. It is through the support of our music, our literature, our art, drama and dance that we tell the story of our past and we express our hopes for the future.

Join us today as we continue to support the flourishing of the arts in Taos!

Animal Welfare

Caring for Animals In Need

Taos Community Foundation helps address local animal welfare needs  through our annual impact grant cycle and event support grants for humane animal welfare organizations.

Basic Needs

Addressing the Essentials

The unique regional, social and economic factors in a community can have a detrimental impact on the family and an individual’s ability to fully participate as a productive member of society, whatever their age. In order to ensure that all residents can attain, maintain and sustain self-sufficiency, basic needs must first be addressed.

Community Advocacy

Strength Through Connection

A strong community has avenues for solid communication, partnerships between sectors, coalition and solidarity between people, and capacity building for non-profits.


Growing Access to Information

Many would agree that education is key to a child’s success in life, to the stability of a skilled and robust workforce, and to the health of a community’s future. Knowing that a strong education system enables both youth and adult students in our region to realize their individual potential as well as that of our larger community, TCF continues its strong commitment to education, using all the tools available: grant-making, convening and advocacy.


Strength Through Conservation

Investments in the environment enable the community to permanently protect traditional farmland, preserve water habitat, and maintain the scenic aspects of Taos. Emphasis is on local land-based traditions and culture as well as increasing public awareness of the overall benefit of land preservation.


Growing Minds and Bodies

Taos Community Foundation aims to improve health and quality of life through the prevention and treatment of social, physical and mental health conditions by investing in the promotion of healthy behavior.

Supporting health is not only about good physical and mental health, it also includes access to health care, preventative activities, healthy choices and healthy foods. Through this path we work to support the development of a community environment where people feel safe and can lead a healthy lifestyle.


Growing Our Future

TCF’s commitment to young people begins with the goals of access to prenatal care and safe birth, then preparing children to enter school, and creating opportunities for youth of all ages to have access to quality programming that engages both their academic and social needs.

Providing children and young people with the support and services they need to thrive, from healthy development during infancy through their successful transition into adulthood, is the mission of the Youth investment pathway.

To learn how you can give to any of these areas of impact through Taos Community Foundation, call 575-737-9300, or email info@taosc.org.