If you are prepared to establish a long-term and significant commitment to charitable giving, Taos Community Foundation is your best option.
Standard Fee Schedule
Each Fund held by Taos Community Foundation is charged an Administrative Fee to help cover the operational costs of the Foundation. The Administrative Fee is set in accordance with Taos Community Foundation’s current fee schedule. We are proud that our current fee schedule is competitive and is structured to encourage fund growth.
The administrative fee on all Endowment Funds is tiered, based on the total dollars within each tier (e.g. $0-$500k, $500k to $1M, etc.), calculated quarterly, based on the market value of the fund. Please see the attached Fund Management Fee Schedule document for greater detail.
In addition to fund fees, fundholders will be charged a pro rata share of brokerage fees, calculated quarterly. This only pertains to Endowment or Intermediate Funds.
Taos Community Foundation is excited to help you uniquely fulfill your philanthropic vision. Whether your passion lies in supporting the arts, education, animals, the environment, or any other meaningful cause, your contribution will make a measurable impact on the lives of individuals and shape the future of our community for generations to come.
Fund Type | Minimum Initial Contribution | Fee |
Agency Fund: To serve as an organization’s endowment to support future operations and programs. Designated Fund: |
$10,000 |
$250 Set-up Fee Annual Fees: Assets up to $500k: 1%$500k – $1M: 0.75% |
Donor Advised: For individuals and families to support a variety of causes throughout the United States whenever you choose. |
$10,000 |
$250 Set-up Fee Annual Fees: Assets up to $500k: 1.5% |
Legacy Gift: To receive your estate gift which will benefit your favorite charities in perpetuity. |
No Minimum | No fee until assets are received from estate. |
Scholarship Fund: To benefit a school or educational discipline. |
$25,000 |
$250 Set-up Fee Administrative Fee: 2.5% |
*** For tiered fund fees, the tier rate is paid on the total dollars within each tier (e.g. $0 to $500k, $500k to $1.0M), calculated quarterly.
*** In addition to fund fees, fundholders will be charged a pro rata share of brokerage fees, calculated quarterly (current average is 0.20% per annum).
Fund Type | Minimum Initial Contribution | Fee |
Intermediate Charitable Fund: Focuses on full market cycle and long-term investment strategies. | $5,000 Like an endowed fund, up to 5% annual spendable amount is usually distributed, but 100% of the fund is available. | $250 Set-up Fee 1.5% of the fund value will be payable ( 375%) quarterly on March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31.*** |
*** In addition to fund fees, fundholders will be charged a pro rata share of brokerage fees, calculated quarterly (current average is 0.20% per annum).