Strength Through Connection

Designated Agency Endowment funds offer nonprofits a predictable, stable source of income for their mission. They also offer donors a permanent alternative to annual giving. Nonprofits can request their grants periodically or as needed while the rest of the fund grows in perpetuity.

Due to IRS accounting regulations, donor contributions to Designated Agency Endowment Funds are not readily available to the intended agency. Contributions to these types of funds are held in perpetuity for the long-term financial goals of the organization.

To learn more about how to start an Agency Fund at Taos Community Foundation, please call 505-737-9300.

Taos Community Foundation relies on strong partnerships to bring our community work to fruition. Together, with our corporate giving partners, we create lasting positive change in our community.

Click here to learn more about our corporate giving partners.

To learn how your organization can become a corporate giving partner, please call 575-737-9300.