Taos Community Foundation

Taos Archaeological Society TCF Fund Icon

Taos Archaeological Society

"Conserving the archaeological and historical archaeological presence and evidence in North Central New Mexico."

Taos Archaeological Society’s Mission is conserving the archaeological and historical archaeological presence and evidence in North Central New Mexico.

Stocks, IRAs, and Wire Transfers

If you would like information about ways to give, including gifts of stock, IRA contributions, wired funds or other gifts with immediate tax deductions, please contact TCF Operations Director Amy Duke at aduke@taoscf.org or call 575-737-9300.

Planned Gifts

If you are considering making a bequest to the Taos Archaeological Society Agency Endowment Fund of the Taos Community Foundation, we recommend the following:

In order to make a bequest, you should speak with your attorney. Your attorney can help you include a bequest to Taos Community Foundation in your estate plan, and we would be happy to work with you and your attorney to help you identify ways to give that will ensure your charitable objectives are met. We will also work with you and your attorney to craft language to accomplish your objectives, but have provided some basic bequest language to get you started.

Specific Dollar Amount/Personal Property

I hereby, give, devise and bequeath [$dollars / description of property] to Taos Community Foundation, a non-profit organization located at 115 La Posta Rd, Ste A, Taos, New Mexico, 87571, Federal Tax ID # 85-0425147, to support the Taos Archaeological Society Agency Endowment Fund.

Specific Real Estate

I hereby give, devise and bequeath all of the right, title and interest in and to the real estate located at [address or description of property] to Taos Property Foundation, Inc., a non-profit affiliate of the Taos Community Foundation located at 115 La Posta Rd, Ste A, Taos, New Mexico, 87571, Federal Tax ID # 27-0998249, for Taos Archaeological Society Agency Endowment Fund.

Percentage of an Estate

I hereby, give, devise and bequeath [percentage of your estate] to Taos Community Foundation, a non-profit organization located at 115 La Posta Rd, Ste A, Taos, New Mexico, 87571, Federal Tax ID # 85-0425147, for Taos Archaeological Society Agency Endowment Fund.

If you have questions, please contact Taos Community Foundation at: